While the turkey is the actual centerpiece for your Thanksgiving table, here are 4 suggestions to setting a Thanksgiving table to remember that use Fall’s bounty from nature, as well as some items you have around your home. The point here is to have a beautiful table without any added stress.
You have your turkey in the oven, it’s time to set the table. This is the year to create an ‘extra special’ ambience, and take your tablescape up a notch or two. Even if the vibe of your home and guests is casual and relaxed, it’s fun to juxtapose a little ‘fancy’ to the mix. Get out your prettiest table linens and your best china, especially if you have Spode “Woodland”!

After you’ve placed your linens and china…
1. Add metal elements in copper or bronze colors. This can be your flatware, as well as candlesticks and little metallic votives placed around.
2. Create small but bold floral arrangements in autumnal hues. When you are at the grocery store shopping for ingredients for stuffing and pie, select a few bunches of dahlias or chrysanthemums. When you arrive home, give these stems a fresh cut and place in some water until you decide which vases to put them in. Depending on the length of your table, plan for three to five small arrangements. Do you have any pretty pitchers or low glass vases stashed away? Get those out and put them to use...no need to be precious about this. Use whatever you have on hand, making sure that the blooms won’t be so tall as to obstruct the conversation or view of the guests. Place these evenly spaced on the table.
3. Produce: Also add to your grocery list some small white or Jarrahdale (the sage green) pumpkins, anjou or bosc pears (or whatever kind of pears...again, no stress!), pomegranates, persimmons, and oranges. Place these in clusters going down the length of your table (or arrange them in the center if you have a round table), and then sprinkle cranberries among the other fruits.
4. Go outside: Forage for greenery and leaves that have turned beautiful Fall colors, berries, unshelled walnuts, bur acorns. The kids can do this for you, as long as they are older kids that can use little pruners, heavy duty scissors. I find so many wonderful elements by simply walking down my alley. Arrange your foraged items (or better yet, have the kids do this, too!) among the produce.
Voila! Your Thanksgiving table centerpiece is ready to go. If you would like to learn more, or have topics you’d like to see us post about, please fill out the form below with your email address...and thank you for reading!