Not long ago, I wrote a post on why event flowers cost so much, in general (You can read that post here). I read an informational piece this morning that explains why flowers are so expensive right now. I would like to break that down for you. Keep in mind, this is not just in our communities, but all over the world.
The short answer is...Covid, along with supply and demand. And weather!
Flower farmers were forced to pull up flower crops that, due to Covid, they didn’t have the man-power to tend. Catching up takes a long time, as flowers take time to grow. These new crops were smaller, though, because of fewer ‘mother plants’. Bad weather is causing slow growth.

Thankfully, weddings and events are back in a big way. This means a huge demand for flowers.
The supply chain cost increases are also a factor. Prices on just about everything have increased, and everything is in shorter supply. Plants, cardboard, paper, vases, and transportation are all affecting flower prices right now.

I realize how ‘doom and gloom’ this sounds...and I am not a doom and gloom kind of person. I prefer to have mindset of abundance, not scarcity - - - so I was glad that this informational piece also listed some solutions. If you have a floral plan for your event, establishment, or private residence - please keep the following in mind…
Allow for substitutions. There are no ugly flowers. Please allow for your floral designer to make substitutions for you based on what is fresh, beautiful, and available. Being open to different color palettes can often introduce you to magical flowers that you haven’t seen before! Your floral arrangements will still be gorgeous, and you will still be getting the best value for your dollar.
Order early. This allows for early planning not only for your floral designer, but for their wholesalers and supply chain.
Most of all, please remember to be patient and kind. The entire world is experiencing challenges right now - a kind word goes a long way!
If you would like to learn more, or have topics you’d like to see us post about, please fill out the form below with your email address. To reach Claire Rathbun Floral directly, visit the "Contact Us" section of this website ...and thank you for reading!